domingo, febrero 9

Banned from the government, Clément Beaune does not intend to divide the majority

This Friday, February 9, at the Ministry of Transport, the ministerial adventure ends for Clément Beaune, on the verge of tears. Leaving having defended your convictions is never a failure or a dishonor. On the contrary… «he articulates, his voice choked with emotion.

The transfer of power with Patrice Vergriete, who was until now Minister Delegate for Housing, is taking place in a small committee, behind closed doors, without cameras or journalists, in order to “keep the symbol of tight government », we will explain later at the Elysée. The outgoing man knows his successor well: he himself appointed him to head the Transport Infrastructure Financing Agency in January 2023. He prefers, he says, that it is the former mayor of Dunkirk who takes over from him. succeed, rather than someone who knows nothing about transportation ».

In this thankless ministry where we inaugurate the projects launched by his predecessor and where we often have to let his successor reap the fruits of his own action, Clément Beaune describes himself as a minister sometimes profitable » during these eighteen months, but “fiery » the 100 billion euro plan for rail, the launch of “metropolitan RER” from this year »of » revival of night trains «. But also social leasing, the bicycle plan and the taxation of private jets. The president of the Republicans of the Ile-de-France region, Valérie Pécresse, sent him a friendly message. Several unions as well.

Read the decryption: Article reserved for our subscribers Under pressure, left-wing ministers silence their unease over the “immigration” law

What would have hurt mehe confides to Le Monde, it is having to leave because I would have failed in my activity as minister. » But in this double five-year term, loyalty to the head of state counts more than the work accomplished. The former advisor to the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, is sanctioned for having expressed his disapproval during the vote, with the votes of the National Rally, on the immigration law. On December 19, 2023 at the end of the day, while the President of the Republic brought together the executives of the majority at the Elysée, Clément Beaune, very upset against the text issued by the Senate, invited a few ministers from the left wing to dinner at the Roquelaure hotel. A crime of lèse-majesté. “He sounded the olifant so that the left-wing troops would revolt”says someone close to the head of state.

Parisian “playground”

Demoted to the rank of simple deputy, Clément Beaune accepts the sentence. There is no such thing as a policy without risks”he says, and he knows these risks, because there is no income » in macronism. It depicts a extremely powerful link » with the Head of State, to be “in his team for ten years”. Emmanuel Macron also rewarded him with a telephone call on Thursday 8 in the afternoon, a few hours before the announcement of the entire government, to tell him that he would not be part of it. Not all those who failed had this honor.

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