viernes, febrero 14

the unblocking of the A64 in Haute-Garonne is in progress; several blockades lifted throughout France

The unblocking of the A64 motorway in Haute-Garonne is underway

The unblocking of the A64 motorway at Carbonne in the Haute-Garonne department, the first farmers’ barrier to have been installed ten days ago, is underway, Joël Tournier told Agence France-Presse , one of the spokespersons for the demonstrators on site. “It’s almost cleaned, almost finished and cleared, it will be done around noon, noon and a half. »

“We are waiting for the state services to wash the road (And) also a private company that was brought in to clean”continued Mr. Tournier, a cereal breeder, adding that it was necessary “sweep, degrease so that it is perfect”.

“We have been heard, we have had some answers, everything will not be perfect straight away, we are not going to change French agriculture in five minutes under a motorway bridge, but it seems to me that we have really been, really heard”increased this farmer mobilized with others for ten days on this dam located approximately 40 kilometers southwest of Toulouse. “We have at least relative debate on agriculture in France”he added.

The breeder Jérôme Bayle, at the origin of the movement in Carbonne, declared earlier on BFM-TV, “We have more than we wanted at the beginning, so yes, we are lifting the blockage”, while several unions are calling for continued mobilization. They believe that the government’s response is insufficient while the farmers mobilized on the A64 are satisfied.

“We, here, when we launched the movement, no one followed us, no union, we entered the highway without authorization (…), we started with three demands, we had (some answers) on the GNR (non-road diesel) on a had better (…) on irrigation, on one of the guarantees (…) on MHE (epizootic hemorrhagic disease) now, at 90% compensation »listed Jérôme Bayle.